Family constellation settings
Family constellation settings are a method of working on relationships popularized by Bert Hellinger that specifically includes intergenerational relationships within the family.
It is a set of techniques that will allow you to change your conditioning
and will allow you to get to the causes of the entanglements of your fate.
They will allow you to define and then break the chain of entanglements and internal conflicts.
A key element of good positioning work is to connect
with the knowing field (Bert Hellinger’s term) – the morphogenetic field (Rupert Sheldrak’s term).
The settings provide an opportunity to unravel many problems of which the client is unaware, or which – so far – he thought he had no control over.
During the session, the client meets with his family system – the system of origin or your own.
He meets with the system that, due to previous events and the fate of family members, gave him such conditioning to create the kind of life he has. Now is the moment when he meets what no longer serves him.
And he can change it.
What does a session look like?
During the session, depending on the topics, we work with what the client comes with. Internally the topic is already there, during the session it only manifests itself.
We look at what appears in the Field of the client.
It is the work of the client, the therapist is the “tool”.
This is the time where, in a safe space, the client can allow himself to be.
If anxiety arises before the session, that’s normal. It is from a mental level.
What a session can change in one’s life:
- can open up the Client about his family and his background,
- can improve the Client’s relationship with loved ones,
- can give a broader view of why he or she is here,
- can give space to build deeper interpersonal relationships,
- can strengthen the client by establishing a connection with his or her roots
How can the session help?
- in seeing what is forgotten, silenced and unclear in the family and thus energetically blocked, and what influences you.
- in getting to know what shapes you and, if necessary, changing it for the better.
- in facilitating the change of your repetitive behavioral mechanisms, which you are often not even aware of and which are often troublesome in your life.
- In seeing where you are .
If you are ready/ready for such work, for such experience, I invite you.
Working with the matrix
Working with the matrix involves releasing blocked energy from places where it got stuck due to experienced traumas.
To release it in the process we reach with the stream of consciousness to those places in space-time where the blockage occurred and dissolve it.
Collecting part of one’s Essence (dissolving energy blockages ) can also take place at the incarnational level.
Energy blockages from previous incarnations are in our matrix and can be felt at the level of the physical body.
The older the incarnation, the deeper the record – in the bones. They are there , where the energy got stuck due to, for example, death when the Soul left the body before death.
We meet what is important to the client for now, in this life, at this moment. From the level of the Higher Order.
During the session, the Client meets with the Self , with those parts of the Self that are ready to be taken back from the location where they are stuck as a result of the traumas experienced.
We look where the energy is stuck and the client is ready to get it back.
We respect, honor and give thanks.
During the session, the topic will emerge and what is important to the Client will emerge.
Session time : 2h
During the session, you are invited to meet with yourself/yourself.
We meet with what is important to you for now, in this life, in this moment.
What is there in the depths and you/yourself want to show to yourself.
From the level of the Higher Order.
What you yourself/yourself want to feel is important to you, at this moment and in this life.
Maybe something is already demanding to be seen.
Maybe, for example, your body is already showing you something and you can’t read it or don’t see that it is giving you a signal in this way.
Trust your intuition.
During the session, the topic will emerge and what is important to you will emerge.
There is an introductory talk before the individual session.
What can the session help you with: ?
in seeing where you are
in learning what shapes you and, if necessary, changing it for the better
in facilitating the change of your repetitive behavioral mechanisms, which you are often not even aware of and which are often troublesome in your life
in seeing what is forgotten, silenced and unclear in your family – and thus energetically blocked, and which affects you.
Session time : 2h
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
About me
Being born here we come with ancestral and incarnational conditions.
Through my work with people, I accompany them in their change.
I accompany them in discovering their true potential.
In this way, their energy matrix is changed by which their life is changed.
In this way, they can see their difficulties in life from a deeper perspective and can change what no longer serves them.
Self-awareness is important to me in life.
The more we know about ourselves, the more fully and deeply we live.
The more we are present in ourselves and have something to share with Others.
Creating and sharing are the values on which I now build my life.
It wasn’t always like this – being born we come here with certain conditions and burdens, not only ancestral ones.
I completed the course “ Family Coach – family constellation settings by the method of B.Hellinger”. I have also participated in many developmental workshops
( Nelumbo Institute ; School of Creation).
Currently, I conduct individual sessions online during which I work with the energy matrix, among other things, the method of family constellation settings by B. Hellinger method.
I graduated from the Jagiellonian University at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication. My passion for 10 years is holistic.
If you are interested, interested – I invite you to contact me.